Sunday, December 25, 2011

Snow Show Girl from Gatherings

HI! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Marrissa and I am a model for Gatherings. Stacia told me I could post a little blog... hope you all enjoy!
Being a model at Gatherings is a great job, with tons of perks! Lots of free clothing that I adore from a great designer. I have to admit that Stacia treats me sooo good! .... Perhaps a little tooo good....
Stacia was staging a little winter show for some friends, you know she loves a good Gathering ;). She told me to arrive early so we could rehearse. She had some dance numbers all llined up, kinda burlesque meets show girl. I was excited to see what numbers she had put together, she had shown me some great moves.... and had promised to show me more... and did she ever!
I would love to tell you all the steamy details... but perhaps pictures say it all. I am glad I was a little naughty this year, and Stacia was soooo nice!
She was incredibly encouraging and showed me just how to move to please the crowd ;)
There was a lot of pleasing that evening at our intimate Gathering!
Of course no show would be complete without a big finish! What a great way to bring this year to a
Hope your Holiday Season is really special! And don't forget to be nice to your naughtiest of friends!
OH! Got sooo excited almost forgot to mention.... This outfit is available at Gatherings! It is implant ready ... It is at a special price that is so low I can't even publish it! Check out the details:

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