My SL adventures have been amazing as well! My creations and skills have grown as I have ventured out to build what I want and enjoy MY second life... afterall here I have no one to answer to but me, and well maybe Shay and Frey... heehee! So in that vane I wanted to share some of the creations! Thanks in advance for your indulgence ;).
One of my most favorite creations! The Victorian Vampire Bed. Loaded with great vamp and intimate animations and it includes a Canopy that opens and closes (owner only).... oh and the canopy is color and texture change and has subtle lighting too!
In the same vain of vampiness I made a great settee, perfect for your study, den, vampy lair or castle! Tons of fabrics to choose from!
There is sooo much more furniture to share, but I will save that for another time... or better yet stop by and see for yourself!
I love fashion, and who doesn't. Secondlife allows us to create, share and express a different side of ourselves which is part of why I love my time in SL. I love sexy but elegant designs that perhaps shows just a little too much flesh, but still leaves a bit to the imagination! So with that in mind I created some great dresses and seperates.
Ok, so maybe this one bears alot! But Oh how I love it! I had to create a Phat Pak to share them all!
Well that's it for now... for several reasons. First I could go on and on sharing my creations. Secondly, the internet is being persnickity and not letting me upload anything else!
There is more to share, and more great things on the horizon! Who knows what new adventures await us? ;) Mwah! Stacia